DIR Dimple Insulated

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DIR Dimple Insulated
  • Mã SP: LABEC-535
  • Giá NY: Liên hệ
  • Giá bán: Liên hệ
  • Tình trạng:
  • Khuyến mãi:
  • Lượt xem: 5004
  • Exothermics’ DIR Dimple Insulated Heat Exchangers are designed specifically for high temperature applications up to 1550oF (815oC). They feature a fully wrapped inner and outer case and 4 inch thick internal high temperature insulation. DIR Heat Exchangers are available in a wide variety of sizes and flow configurations, such as counter-flow or cross-flow, to satisfy your needs, whether you are recovering heat from your ovens, preheating combustion air, or running a catalytic or thermal oxidizer.
  • Tags: Bàn Map
Đơn vị tiền tệ
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Description: Plate type, counter flow design
Model Types: Insulated Recuperator
Max. Operating Temp.: 1500°F / 815°C
Volume Range: 300-95,000 (ACFM) / 510-161,405 (Am3/hr)
  • 309 stainless steel construction for applications up to 1500°F (815°C).
  • Staggered and inline dimple patterns available in 0.5inch (12.7mm) and 0.375inch (9.5mm) plate spacing.
  • Robust, all welded construction by AWS qualified.
  • Fully wrapped inner and outer case with internal expansion joints.
  • 6 customizable flow configurations.
  • 4 inch thick internal high temperature fiber insulation.
  • Floating core design allows for thermal expansion.
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