Drum Package -- Basic

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Drum Package -- Basic
  • Mã SP: EA0IR-DAB05
  • Giá NY: Liên hệ
  • Giá bán: Liên hệ
  • Tình trạng:
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  • Lượt xem: 5963
  • Perfect for removing your chemical from any 55-gallon drum!!
    ARO Drum Pumps are available in Aluminum, Stainless Steel or Polypropylene body materials
    Stall-Free Operation - ARO Diaphragm Drum Pumps feature a patented "Unbalanced" air valve design that avoids stall-out, even under low air-inlet pressures.
    Bolted Construction - Unlike traditional band-clamp style pumps, ARO Diaphragm Drum Pumps utilize bolted fasteners for leak-tight integrity.
  • Tags: Bàn Map
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Perfect for removing your chemical from any 55-gallon drum!!
ARO Drum Pumps are available in Aluminum, Stainless Steel or Polypropylene body materials
Stall-Free Operation - ARO Diaphragm Drum Pumps feature a patented "Unbalanced" air valve design that avoids stall-out, even under low air-inlet pressures.
Bolted Construction - Unlike traditional band-clamp style pumps, ARO Diaphragm Drum Pumps utilize bolted fasteners for leak-tight integrity.
Factory-Matched - ARO Drum Pump Package components (adapters, siphon tubes, etc.) contain pre-specified, matching materials of construction for complete fluid compatibility.
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