The Biodiesel Handbook

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The Biodiesel Handbook
  • Mã SP: AG0EB-97626
  • Giá NY: Liên hệ
  • Giá bán: Liên hệ
  • Tình trạng:
  • Khuyến mãi:
  • Lượt xem: 6948
  • • Paperback: 516 pages
    • Publisher: AOCS Publishing; 2 edition (October 5, 2010)
    • Language: English
    • ISBN-10: 1893997626
    • ISBN-13: 978-1893997622
    • Product Dimensions: 8.9 x 6 x 1.4 inches
    • Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds
  • Tags: Bàn Map
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·         Paperback: 516 pages

·         Publisher: AOCS Publishing; 2 edition (October 5, 2010)

·         Language: English

·         ISBN-10: 1893997626

·         ISBN-13: 978-1893997622

·         Product Dimensions: 8.9 x 6 x 1.4 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds 

Drawing on the expertise of researchers from around the world, the second edition of this invaluable handbook, now updated to cover the lastest advances across several areas of research, offers one of the most complete and respected references on biodiesel development, improvements, and applications. It covers the conversion of vegetable oils, animal fats, and used oils into biodiesel fuel. 

The handbook delivers solutions to issues associated with biodiesel feedstocks, production issues, quality control, viscosity, stability, and applications, as well as emissions and other environmental impacts. In addition to technical material, it updates readers on the status of the biodiesel industry worldwide.

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