Condensate drain 15 - 150 L/h | ECD series

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Condensate drain 15 - 150 L/h | ECD series
  • Mã SP:
  • Giá NY: Liên hệ
  • Giá bán: Liên hệ
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  • Lượt xem: 9086
  • Tags: Bàn Map
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The new generation of electronic condensate drains - ECD series, is used for the automatic discharge of accumulated condensate from compressed air systems. The basic principle is contactless measurement of the acumulated condensate which is then discharged without the loss of valuable compressed air. 
Condensate flow constantly flushes debris out of the valve. Thats why uninterrupted operating is guaranteed.

Incorrect plunger position is first sign of debris blocking the valve. By detecting incorrect position, blocked plunger release procedure is started. 
This procedure assures safety and reliable plunger operating. No staff intervention is needed. This procedure starts automatilally.

ECD Series is made of aluminium housing with plastic cover, which protects electronics inside the device from outside harmful conditions.


- aluminium housing 
- integrated filter mesh 
- compact design 
- two-way connections 
- eloxated housing
- contactless measuring
- NEW: direct acting, self cleaning valve (patented)
- NEW: blocked plunger release procedure
- NEW: operating diagnostic monitoring
- warning LED light for ''drain operating'' and ''alarm''
- AC versions (for DC version please contact Omega Air)
- IP 54 electrical protection

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